Assemblage Class – Taking Flight Shadow Box

Join Assemblage artist Sarah S. Thompson for an assemblage art class – Taking flight Shadow box, designed to spark creativity!

saturday, September 12     10 – 1:30 pm


Adults, Teens, & Children ages 10+  $50
No experience necessary. Box & most materials supplied.
Some supplies required – see below.

Deadline for payment/registration: Sept 5

Work with your hands to create something unique and beautiful through assemblage and collage art. You will learn the art of arranging objects in an aesthetically pleasing way. You will be guided when you need it, but each piece will be unique. A choice of objects and papers will be provided for each person.

Assemblage is an artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate. It is similar to collage, a two-dimensional medium. It is part of the visual arts, and it typically uses found objects, but is not limited to these materials.

“Taking Flight” – An Assemblage Shadow Box
You will learn the art of arranging objects in an aesthetically pleasing way. You will be guided when you need it, but each box will be unique. A choice of objects and papers will be provided for each person. We do encourage you to bring your own special vintage photo, jewelry or endearing object to personalize your art piece.

Supplies students need to bring:

Small hammer, Small pliers, handheld drill (if you have one, I will have two for everyone to share), Small screwdriver Phillips and straight, safety glasses, and apron.

We do encourage you to bring your own special vintage photos (copies), jewelry or endearing object, even old watercolors to personalize your art piece.

LOLA will make every effort to keep students and teachers safe with social distancing and sanitizing procedures.  LOLA REQUIRES visitors to wear their own protective face mask. Class date and time subject to change. 

No refunds will be given after the deadline date.

Parking is available behind the LOLA Center for the Arts building.


  •  09/12/2020
     10:00 am - 1:30 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
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