Calling All Musicians!
Are you a performing musician? Check out our music opportunities below!
LOLA wants to hear from you!
Make Music Day
Held annually on June 21st, the day of the summer solstice, Make Music Day is part of the international Fête de la Musique, taking place in 1,000 cities across 120 countries. The daylong, musical free-for-all celebrates music in all its forms, encouraging people to band together and play in free public concerts. 85+ U.S. cities organize Make Music celebrations, encompassing thousands of music making opportunities nationwide. On Make Music Day, Land O’ Lakes bustles all day long, starting in the a.m., with various music performances throughout downtown.
Likewise, it’s winter counterpart, Make Music Day Winter, is held in the shortest day of the year the winter solstice, December 21st, with musicians and bands playing at local businesses and opportunities to play musical instruments and bells for everyone.
Interested in playing on Make Music Day? Want to volunteer?
Car Park Music Series
LOLA’s Car Park Music Series is held on Thursdays throughout the summer, June – August from 5:00 – 6:30 in the Snowflake Ice Rink. Performers will need to bring their own sound equipment. We program a variety of music genres through out the season. Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned performer, we want to hear from you!
Interested in performing at our Car Park Music Series?
Please email us your information with any links to your music or videos of performances at
Other helpful information, including your band genres, photos, press releases, bios, etc, are helpful.
Thank you for your patience as all submissions are reviewed by our music selection committee.